Dahlia is an herbaceous perennial with over 15 species. It is native from North and Central America. In 1872 a box of dahlia roots was sent from Mexico to the Netherlands. One plant survived the trip and made some beautiful red flowers. Europeans have fallen in love with beautiful plants, now cultivated for thousands of fans. Green space is used for rebates, curbs, and isolated lawns groups or as places where the flowers are cut.
All existing crop varieties from the listed species can be classified according to form inflorescence’s in the following groups:
1.The one which involves an abundant blossom. Here, the plants grow 40-150 cm tall in form of a bush. The inflorescence’s are formed by flowers more or less flat, oval or pointed at the top.
2. with half abundant blossom. It includes some varieties of 70-150 cm tall, with flowers more or less similar to those of peony. Some of the varieties are: Fabel, with red flowers, yellow flower Grisby, Pandora, with white flowers and the pink Oberon.
3. with simple flower blossoms. Indoor flowers are composed of one or more rows of flowers. Outside and inside is located the flower tube. Here you could meet two types: mignon dahlias, dahlias with flowers and anemones.
Maintenance work Dahlia:
Mulching soil:
It is the loose material in order to preserve moisture, maintaining constant temperature at ground level, weed control and quick cancellation for the damage of the rain. The coverings can be done with chaff, straw, leaves, peat, sawdust, at the beginning of vegetation after the first breeding or just after sunrise. You should use bamboo rods, wooden stakes or metal trellis wires that are attached to support the plant. Trellis frame is installed at a distance of 3 cm apart. Cut the flower crops for getting a single strain that forms the top of the flower and removes side shoots from the armpit leaves. Remove the side buds, leaving the central one which is stronger, better trained and can give high quality flowers.
Watering: whenever needed with hose. It is recommended to be done in the morning and evening or night, in very hot days.
Additional fertilization: Are the easily soluble fertilizers that are dissolved in water for irrigation in concentration or scattering is given by. The fertilization can be diluted with grape or poultry manure diluted. There is no fertilization when the soil is very dry and even when there is excess of moisture.
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